The American Phytopathological Society
(APS) is the premier society dedicated to high-quality, innovative plant pathology research. For more than a century, members of APS have been making and sharing significant breakthroughs, both for the science and society. APS is driven by a distinctive community of scientists, whose energy and commitment ensure the global advancement of this critical science.
Plant Pathology: Past to Present storybook
An APS resource by OPRO (Office of Public Relation and Outreach)- coloring book educating one on the history of plant diseases. Versions available in English, Spanish & Chinese.
Southeastern US Vegetable Crop Handbook
The Vegetable Crop Handbook provides latest research-based information on vegetable production. Topics include variety selection, fertility requirements and recommendations, pest management (insect, disease and weed control), cultural management options and many more useful stuff. This handbook represents a joint effort among Extension specialists and researchers from 12 land-grant universities who work in the area of vegetable production. These specialists and researchers represent a wide array of disciplines—agricultural engineering, entomology, horticulture (vegetable production), plant pathology, soil science and weed science. This is a link to the website with the latest handbook. This handbook is updated annually.
Southeastern Peach, Nectarine and Plum Pest Management and Culture Guide
This southeastern tree fruit pest management guide is a good resource which provide some general guidelines for pest management and cultural practices. This guide is a collaborative effort of specialists and researchers from southeastern US states (including Texas). The pest and disease issues varies quite a bit across the country. Recommendations provided should serve as a guide to develop your own pest/pathogen management plan. The link takes you to a pdf copy of the latest guide that is hosted at University of Georgia.