Category Archives: trees

Oak Wilt information

Things are starting to heat up (weather wise) and we are beginning to see more influx of samples for oak wilt pathogen detection.  Oak wilt is a disease cause by a fungus and  can kill trees.  The Texas live oaks and various red oaks are susceptible to this disease.  There has been so many question asked, such as “Why is my tree dying?”, ” How did it get infected?”, or ” Why is my neighbor’s tree healthy but mine is dying?”. Then we also have the question, “How… Read More →

Much ado about trees

Howdy folks!  It the time of the year that trees are starting to bud and live oak leaves are starting to drop.  So let’s talk about trees. First, if you see your oak tree that stayed green through the winter turning yellow and dropping leaves – DO NOT PANIC!  Check out the tree carefully.  Chances are that it is a Texas live oak, and dropping leaves in late winter/early spring is NORMAL as new leaves are coming in shortly.  Here is a link to a factsheet that I… Read More →