Category Archives: Service

Used to describe/announce new or existing service by the Clinic or others

Rapid Decline of Oaks

Ms. Sheila McBride (TPDDL diagnostician) and Dr. David Appel, Extension Plant Pathologist with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service contributed this article to address the numerous inquires that has been received this year regarding declining oak trees -KO This year, beginning in the early spring to late summer, there has been many inquiries as to why the post oaks have “suddenly” died. The most frequent symptoms have been described as a rapid appearance of chlorotic (yellow) and/or necrotic (brown and dead) leaves throughout the entire crown. The leaves often… Read More →

New TPDDL employee

Please welcome Ms. Joyce Soliz who joins us on June 22, 2015 as the TPDDL Secretary (Extension Business Assistant III).  Ms. Soliz will be assisting in the data entry of samples.  She will also be providing client inquiry support and redirecting client to appropriate TPDDL personnel. TPDDL client sample  inquiry (phone) support is available from 9:00am -12:00noon  and 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.  

Resources mentioned at the 2nd Annual Fruit Conference

Today, I had the opportunity to speak to the participants in the 2nd annual Texas Fruit Conference. I was given the topic of “Stone fruit disease management: homeowner versus commercial”. Majority of the participants in this meeting are commercial growers and hobbyists. My talk contrasted the differences between a commercial grower and a homeowner: the number of plants that deal with, the different level of management, the amount and type of inputs, and the stakes that are involved. Two common peach diseases that occur in Texas were used… Read More →

Urgent notice about Area wide dormant sprays for Psyllid control in the Lower Rio Grande Valley

A few minutes ago, I got an email from a colleague requesting to post the following email from Bret Erickson of Texas Citrus Mutual in regards to dormant sprays for the Asian Citrus Psyllid.  This is primarily directed to our citrus growers in the Rio Grande Valley.  If this caught your attention, check out the HOT TOPIC page on Citrus Greening for more information about these psyllid and the disease that they vector.  And if you know a producer, pass the word along. Thanks.   January 5, 2012… Read More →

New service at the Plant Clinic – sorghum ergot testing

This new service is a result of the state budget saga in Texas.  This year we have seen the “tightening of the belt”.  The Texas Department of Agriculture(TDA) is dealing with a 40% cut in their budget. On of the actions that had been taken by them is to close two of the three seed testing laboratories in this state.  It was this closings that I was called to a meeting, back in June, with some TDA folks about the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab picking up the… Read More →