Mushroom rings invading your yard?

This is another assignment submitted by BESC484 student, B. Commer, as a partial requirement for the course.  This was a situation that was pretty rampant 1-2 weeks ago after the rain we got in many parts of Texas.  Some of these mushroom are still present.  Enjoy- KO   Are mushroom rings invading you yard? Over fifty different species of fungi have a unique characteristic of creating circular patches of mycelium lined with fruiting bodies on the outer edge. Grasses and turfs are most susceptible to these mushroom “fairy… Read More →

Resources mentioned at the 2nd Annual Fruit Conference

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Today, I had the opportunity to speak to the participants in the 2nd annual Texas Fruit Conference. I was given the topic of “Stone fruit disease management: homeowner versus commercial”. Majority of the participants in this meeting are commercial growers and hobbyists. My talk contrasted the differences between a commercial grower and a homeowner: the number of plants that deal with, the different level of management, the amount and type of inputs, and the stakes that are involved. Two common peach diseases that occur in Texas were used… Read More →

Actinopelte Leaf spot

The following is a blog post writing assignment from 2013 summer BURS (Bioenvironmental Undergraduate Research Scholar) and BESC 484 student, A. Brake.  As previously mentioned, the student is asked to submit a short write up of something that interest them (related to plant pathology) which they may have seen or heard about in the Plant Clinic.  They are also highly encouraged to take photographs of subject (training in photo documentation).  Ms. Brake submitted a couple of excellent photo with her assignment below where she used a Dino-lite digital… Read More →

Broadmite damage on tomatoes

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One the assignments that are given to undergraduate BESC 484 students who interned at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is to write blog post articles of things that might interest them.  This fall, Blake Commer will be providing several of this write-up to fulfill partial requirement for this writing intensive course.  Recently, the Plant Clinic received a tomato submission with broad mite damage. The following is a write up about the broad mite on tomato. Enjoy. -KO Broad Mites Causing Leaf Curling and Stunting in Tomato Plants… Read More →

More sad days at the Plant Clinic

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This summer saw a number of changes at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab.  We had a few more students working to help out with the work load and we celebrated the retirement of long time secretary, Bobbie Dupuis, at the end of June.  It is with even greater sadness to learn that Bobbie passed away on August 2. Condolences may be left at the link below, or sent to Bobbie’s husband Larry: c/o Callaway Jones Funeral Home 3001 S College Ave Bryan, TX  77801