Author Archives: kevo

Broadmite damage on tomatoes

One the assignments that are given to undergraduate BESC 484 students who interned at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is to write blog post articles of things that might interest them.  This fall, Blake Commer will be providing several of this write-up to fulfill partial requirement for this writing intensive course.  Recently, the Plant Clinic received a tomato submission with broad mite damage. The following is a write up about the broad mite on tomato. Enjoy. -KO Broad Mites Causing Leaf Curling and Stunting in Tomato Plants… Read More →

More sad days at the Plant Clinic

This summer saw a number of changes at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab.  We had a few more students working to help out with the work load and we celebrated the retirement of long time secretary, Bobbie Dupuis, at the end of June.  It is with even greater sadness to learn that Bobbie passed away on August 2. Condolences may be left at the link below, or sent to Bobbie’s husband Larry: c/o Callaway Jones Funeral Home 3001 S College Ave Bryan, TX  77801

Happy and sad day!

Today marks the retirement of long time Plant Clinic secretary, Bobbie Dupuis. Bobbie spent 13 years working at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab and prior to that, several years with the Biology Department. It is a HAPPY day that she is at this point looking forward to the more relaxed post-retirement activities. It is SAD as we will loose our front office person who is always ready to empathize with folks calling in with their plant problems. Congratulation to you Bobbie!   And here’s to you enjoying… Read More →

Training opportunity for Master Gardeners volunteers – a call to action

One of the most robust programs for volunteers is the Master Gardener program in Texas (Texas A&M Agrilife Extension).  This is where folks who are interested in gardening register to take classes from various experts in plants, plant health management and horticulture.  (Check out their website at ).  To help with some of the continuing education efforts for these valuable volunteers, there is the Master Gardener Specialist program which provides a little more “bulk” information and training to these volunteers in various areas of gardening such as vegetable growing and… Read More →

Leaf Gall Diagnostics

Ever wonder about how some diseases are diagnosed in a plant disease diagnostic lab.  You would be surprised that there are similarities to an ER in the hospital. When a sample arrives at the Plant Clinic, it has to be accompanied with a submission form where there are a bunch of question trying to get some history leading to the incidence or current situation.  Then the samples are triaged within 24-48 hours of receipt (dependent on diagnostician availability).  Decisions are made how to proceed based on history information… Read More →