
Types of testing offered
The TPDDL can assist with any type of plant disease problem. Field crops, trees, turfgrass, vegetables, fruits, flowers, shrubs, houseplants, or any other type of plant is welcome. Lab tests are available for the detection of most plant pathogens.We can only test soil for nematode detection. For testing of most diseases of Upper Plains field crops, please contact the THPPDDL.

Specialized testing available
Please contact the TPDDL at if there is need for specific testing of plant material for plant disease problems.

Turn-around time
Turn around time is dependent on specimen load that is received at the TPDDL. At peak time (spring through fall), routine diagnoses are usually finished in 11-21 days, depending on the test that is needed for the diagnosis. Specimens requiring extensive testing require more time. For example, oak wilt testing takes a minimum of 21 days. Diagnostic results are routinely emailed to the client, but results can also be mailed.

Services NOT provided
The TPDDL does not routinely provide the following services to our clientele:  

  1. Pesticide residue determination in and/or on plants and soil
  2. Soil nutrient levels, soluble salts, or plant tissue analysis (Contact Soil Testing Lab at
  3. Mycotoxin testing (Contact Texas High Plains Disease Diagnostic Lab at
  4. Assessing feed and fertilizer hazards related to animal and human health and the environment (Contact Office of Texas State Chemist at for private lab listing)
  5. Plant identification (Visit
  6. Regulatory and enforcement (Contact your regional TDA office at


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