Category Archives: BESC

Getting to the Root of the Problem

Blog article #1 by Kevin Pineda (for partial fulfillment of BESC 484 requirement) Not all evidence of a plant pathogen can be seen above the surface. Phytophthora root rot caused by Phytophthora sp. is the most common cause of root rot. This rot of the root system hinders the ability of the host plant to take up water and nutrients. Below the surface, it can be observed as discoloration and decay of the roots. Phytophthora has a cell wall made of cellulose and is classified as an oomycete,… Read More →

Student worker/ BESC Internship

The Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is looking for a students who are interested in gaining some experience in an applied plant pathology service laboratory. Undergraduate Extension (Lab) assistant to assist Diagnostician and Assistant Diagnostician at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab to perform various diagnostic analysis on plant specimens.  This is an opportunity of the motivated student gain lab work experience. Student will be trained to perform specific lab task as needed.  Desirable skills and knowledge include familiarity with computer, some basic lab skill (chemistry/biochemistry/biology/microbiology). To apply: please send resume… Read More →

Beauty is Only Skin Deep

The definition of beauty has become a rather obsessive paradigm that has affected present society. It is a constant desire to reach what is perceived to be “perfection.” This infectious ideal has given rise to profitable industries of cosmetics, heavy research of youth enhancing serums, even to the extent of affecting our perspective of healthy food products. The slightest blemish or spot on a fruit may discourage fellow consumers, potentially preventing their purchase and leaving the fruit to rot in the produce isle. What a waste. One such… Read More →

New Year news – much activities and COLD

This year went off with a start where the Plant Clinic remains busy with many different activities.  Here are a few highlights: Many of you may have notice a new posting on our Facebook page called “Sample of the week”. This project/task is headed by our new Extension Assistant (newly graduated former student worker), B. Commer.  The goals is to post an interesting thing that is received by the TX Plant Clinic once every 1-2 weeks. Check out and like us on Facebook. Thanks to colleague, Dr…. Read More →

Identifying bacterial infections in submitted plant samples.

This is another assignment submitted by BESC484 student, B. Commer, as a partial requirement for the course.  We typically get an uptick of bacterial issue showing up in the TX Plant Clinic in the fall. One of the student’s assignment is to document what they do in a manner to explain to non-plant pathologist or microbiologist what they do.  Enjoy- KO   Ever wonder just how the diagnostician can confirm bacterial plant pathogens? It starts with a very simple yet fascinating test to check for what is called… Read More →