TPDDL Calendar 2019

Actinopelte Hypoxylon Canker Acacia Rust (Ravenalia) Bacterial Leaf Scorch on Oleander Pomegranate spots Sorghum Smut Fire Fungus - fruiting bodies FireFungus - see on tree

The new 2019 TPDDL calendar is out.  You can obtain your very own at the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology office (120 Peterson Bldg) or at the TPDDL (1500 Research Parkway, Centeq Bldg) in College Station.  You can also check to see if your county office have copies of these.  If not, have them request calendars to be sent to your Texas A&M AgriLife Extension county office.

Factsheet information for the plant health issues represented by the images on the 2019 TPDDL calendar were written by graduate students enrolled in the Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology PLPA601 Introductory Plant Pathology course in the 2018 Fall semester (course instructor: Dr. David Appel).  This exercise provides an opportunity for a high impact learning activity where the students are tasked with producing an informational output directed to the general public and to provide opportunity for the students to write. 


Actinopelte Leaf Spot
Hypoxylon canker on Sycamore

Acacia Rust

Fire Fungus (Antracobia sp.)
Bacterial Leaf Scorch on Oleander

 Pomegranate Rot
Sorghum Smut

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