Tours and trainings at the Plant Clinic

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Master Gardener interns at the Plant Clinic

The finer points of using a gas chromatograph in bacterial identification

Fewer samples come into the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab in the winter months.  Rightly so, as most plants are dormant at this time.  However, things are not slow at the Plant Clinic.  Fall and winter months are filled with various programs. Most of these programs are in support of our AgriLife Extension agents and our green industry in the various counties around Texas, whether it is Master Gardener intern training in plant pathology or workshops for landscape, nursery and greenhouse professionals.  We also host some group visits to the Plant Clinic.  This year, we had visits from the Bluebonnet and Little River Basin chapters of the Texas Master Gardeners Association.

Folks get a tour of the Clinic, plus a short session where they are exposed to general field diagnostic techniques.  It is always gratifying to see the wonder and appreciation of the process that a sick plant undergoes as it comes into the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab.

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