NOTICE: Due to the volume of checks lost in the mail, we highly recommend filling out the AG-257 to set up as a customer. Completing the AG-257 will allow us to invoice you and conveniently pay online.
Please contact us by email IF you have received an invoice but not the report OR have not heard anything 15 business days (3 weeks) after submission of sample. We have instituted an email receipt reply notification to inform the submitter when we receive their sample and to provide a sample reference number for future inquiries related to that sample.
Homeowners are encouraged to first check with their local Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service county office for local assistance.
Thank you for your patience and support of the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Labs.
If you would like to help support the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, please visit
About The Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Located in College Station, The Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory is a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service lab managed by the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Texas A&M University.
The Texas High Plains Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory is located at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center in Amarillo. The THPPDDL specialized in disease diagnostics of small grains and row crops.
Our Mission
To provide accurate and timely plant disease diagnostic support to AgriLife Extension & Research personnel, Texas Department of Agriculture, the agriculture/green industry and the people of Texas to protect and secure our plant resources and to promote economic competitiveness.
Our History
The idea for a plant disease diagnostic service at Texas A&M University started in 1956, when Dr. Harlan Smith, the Extension plant pathologist, used it as a way to provide support to Extension personnel and growers/farmers. In 1982, the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (TPDDL) was formally established, with the appointment of Dr. Larry Barnes as its first director. In 2002, the TPDDL was called upon to be one of many universities and state labs around the country to participate in the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) and perspective region, the Southern Plant Diagnostic Network (SPDN). This network seeks to support a (i) secure regional network for the detection and diagnosis of plant health problems, (ii) extend and support sound public policies, implement rapid and accurate diagnoses, and response strategies, and (iii) provide leadership and training. Currently, the clinic processes approximately 3000 samples annually and supports/manages different projects under the direction of Dr. Kevin Ong and Head Diagnostician Hannah Ayala.
If you would like to help support efforts at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Labs or any of the Texas Plant Clinics, please contact us.
For assistance with plant health issues, please contact your local Texas A&M AgriLife Extension county office. If contacting us, please email at for a quicker response. Thank you for your patience.