2015 Texas – Bacterial blight of cotton

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Blighted cotton bollPosting some news about bacterial blight of cotton issues that is currently going on in Texas.

The URL link below point to a pdf document containing information (brief update) provided by Dr. Jason Woodward (Extension Plant Pathologist) and Dr. Terry Wheeler (Research Pathologist), both located at the Texas A&M Research and Extension Center in Lubbock, TX.

They have made some “peculiar observations” of bacterial blight on cotton varieties that were previously documented as resistant.  This note provide growers, consultant and county agents descriptions and images to help with recognizing some symptoms.  They are hoping to increase awareness and solicit help to gather a representative bacterial collection so that testing can be done to ascertain the impact of this pathogen on cotton.

They will continue to keep folks in the cotton industry abreast with reaction of the various varieties to this pathogen as more information becomes available.

Brief update: Bacterial blight of cotton (Woodward & Wheeler 2015)

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